is a not-for-profit website for people with a legitimate interest in ISO 20400 to share best practice, benchmark and learn.

About header

Our aim is to develop a global community of practice around ISO 20400 and sustainable procurement using this platform as a hub. We encourage members to share their learning experiences on this platform and on social media, to self-assess and benchmark their organisation’s practice and to learn about sustainable procurement from experts and practitioners around the world.

This platform is funded and managed by Action Sustainability Community Interest Company Ltd, a UK registered social enterprise dedicated to building the body of knowledge around sustainable procurement.

We are governed by a Steering Group of ISO 20400 experts from around the world, some of whom created the ISO 20400 guidance standard. They are all committed to help shape and promote our work going forward.

We are grateful to our Supporters, who give their time freely to ensure we have the best possible resources to build our global community of practice

This website and associated activities are brought to you by our Delivery Partners.

Key benefits of ISO 20400

Learn how to use the standard to deliver sustainable benefits, be more competitive and enhance the contribution of organisational procurement…

Our global steering group bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience to this free online platform.

The steering group meet quarterly to discuss, plan and improve the website and play an active part in reviewing items contributed.

Find out more about the steering group

Meet our thought leaders

Our community of practice is supported by thought leaders from around the world, making this among the most authoritative resources in the world on sustainable procurement.

Steering group members Delivery partners Supporters

Get in touch

Feel free to get in contact with us if you have something to share or a question to ask.

[email protected]

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