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Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Diets Volume 2

Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Diets Volume 2

Sustainable public food procurement has the potential to impact both food consumption and food production patterns. It may enhance access to healthy diets for consumers of publicly procured food (such as schoolchildren) and promote the development of more sustainable food systems (through its demand and spillover effects). Sustainable public food procurement also has the potential to decrease rural poverty by stimulating the development of markets, providing a regular and reliable source of income for smallholder farmers and helping these farmers overcome barriers that prevent them from enhancing their productivity.

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Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Diets Volume 1

Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Diets Volume 1

Sustainable public procurement is a key instrument to work towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and fits into the collective efforts and multisector approaches of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This book is the result of the collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the research sector, and compiles contributions from internationally renowned scholars working in the field of public food procurement. It explores the multiple benefits that public food procurement can bring to various beneficiaries and analyses how it can contribute towards sustainable food systems and healthy diets.

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Research by DNV and WBCSD on Circular Economy from around the world. Contributed by Antonio Astone

Research by DNV and WBCSD on Circular Economy from around the world. Contributed by Antonio Astone

A circular economy represents a departure from traditional manufacture and consumption patterns. It is intended to reduce consumption of resources by designing waste out of the system. The concept is not new, but results from this ViewPoint survey aimed at gaining More than half of respondents, report they are beginning to explore the issue and prepared to adopt at least one model within the next 3-5 years. Around 12% report circularity being core to their business strategy but only 5.9% indicate a mature approach.understanding of adoption, new business models, actions and benefits applied and achieved by companies transitioning suggest limited take up.

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