The Ten Commandments of Sustainable Procurement
Shaun McCarthy goes through what needs to be done to achieve good sustainable procurement
Shaun McCarthy goes through what needs to be done to achieve good sustainable procurement
ISO 20400 is one of the standard used by the United Nations in their sustainable development goals. “We the people” for The Global Goals is an excellent video that puts the SDG’s clearly and concisely.
Seven of the world’s largest cocoa manufacturers are being sued over accusations of child labour in their supply chains
Germany has announced a draft law opening firms up to fines for failing to meet standards on human rights and the environment in their supply chain.
L’observatoire des achats responsables vous livre les résultats de son 12ème baromètre. Un intérêt croissant pour les Achats Responsables de la part des PME, une amélioration de la relation avec les fournisseurs et des bonnes pratiques observées pendant la crise COVID19. Découvrez la synthèse des résultats et le replay du webinar.
Malcolm Dare talks about the plans for Highways England going forward to 2025
Our speakers talk about sustainability in sport which benefits the environment, economy and social value. Meegan Jones from Ocean Race, William Rook from The Centre for Human Rights and sport, Luca Guzzabocca from Right Hub and also Shaun McCarthy recalling his time as Chair the commission for the sustainable London 2012
Socially Responsible Public Procurement in parks and public places that is ethical and transparent and provides equal opportunities to women.