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Free online course “Introduction to Sustainable Finance” from UN CC: e-Learn

Free online course “Introduction to Sustainable Finance” from UN CC: e-Learn

The Strategic Alliance on Green Bond Market Development in G20 Emerging Economies (STA), a partnership between Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) are pleased to present this new e-learning course on Sustainable Finance.

This interactive and practice-oriented course covers the basics of Sustainable Finance while providing several opportunities to dive deeper. It shares valuable insights of the Strategic Alliance of GIZ and SEB and our technical partner CICERO, gained during activities in emerging economies and interactions with market participants worldwide. You will also learn about examples of UN-supported initiatives to promote sustainable finance in countries like Mongolia and Indonesia. The course is designed for interested participants from governments, financial sector, businesses, and civil society.

Free online courses “Business Process Analysis for Trade Facilitation” from UN SDG: Learn and ESCAP 75

Free online courses “Business Process Analysis for Trade Facilitation” from UN SDG: Learn and ESCAP 75

The Business Process Analysis (BPA) online training course has been developed by the ESCAP Trade, Investment and Innovation Division based on the UNNExT BPA Guide to Simplify Trade Procedures. BPA is considered the first necessary step to simplifying trade procedures. The course consists of seven modules and introduces a step-by-step approach to conducting BPA. It is aimed at government officials and other stakeholders responsible for trade facilitation. This course is also available in Chinese, French and Russian. Just click through the modules at your leisure.

Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool (BSAT)

Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool (BSAT)

BSAT is a comprehensive, generic sustainability self-assessment tool. It can be used by any-size organization, in any sector, in any country. It may be especially helpful for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and large organizations with minimal / no sustainability staff.

Net-Zero Procurement Toolkit

Net-Zero Procurement Toolkit

The free, open-source Net-Zero Procurement (NZP) Toolkit toolkit contains templates and tools that enable the rapid and smooth integration of a net-zero procurement system into an existing procurement process.

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