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आईएसओ 20400 प्रमाणन – तथ     Kindly translated into Hindi by Mellita D’silva

आईएसओ 20400 प्रमाणन – तथ Kindly translated into Hindi by Mellita D’silva

इस नोट का उद्देश्य खरीदारोों को ISO 20400 से
सोंबोंधित प्रमाणन सेवाओों के बारे मेंसूधित धनणणय लेनेमें
मदद करना है। हमारा मुख्य सोंदेश है; ISO 20400
मार्णदशणन के धलए है। यह अनुरूपता प्रमाणपत्र के
अिीन नही ों हो सकता है, इसधलए कृ पया अपने
आपूधतणकताणओों सेइसके धलए न पूछें

ISO 20400 Certification ….. The Facts

ISO 20400 Certification ….. The Facts

The purpose of this note is to help buyers to make informed decisions about certification services
related to ISO 20400. Our key message is; ISO 20400 is for guidance. It cannot be subject to a
certificate of conformity, so please do not ask your suppliers for one. 

Moving BS 25700 to an International Standard: Combating Modern Slavery, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking by Helen Carter in St Lucia

Moving BS 25700 to an International Standard: Combating Modern Slavery, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking by Helen Carter in St Lucia

Helen Carter is a committee member working on a new ISO standard to help the world take an important step toward combatting modern slavery, forced labour, and human trafficking on a global scale. While challenges exist, the potential benefits for business, including enhanced credibility, improved transparency, and positive brand image, make the transition imperative for businesses committed to ethical practices. More importantly, the benefits for people trapped in human trafficking and forced labour conditions is priceless.

Shortcut your scope 3 emissions: Three organisational levers you can start using today to address supply chain emissions Written by: Nicole Thompson, Principal Consultant, Sustainable and Ethical Procurement.  Contributed by Tanya Harris

Shortcut your scope 3 emissions: Three organisational levers you can start using today to address supply chain emissions Written by: Nicole Thompson, Principal Consultant, Sustainable and Ethical Procurement. Contributed by Tanya Harris

The upcoming disclosure standards from the International Sustainability Standards Board, coupled with regulations such as the SEC’s Climate-Related Disclosure regulation, will necessitate that companies report their scope 3 emissions. This requirement is a significant step towards enhancing transparency and accountability for the environmental impacts within their supply chains.

Sustainable procurement progress report

Sustainable procurement progress report

This report from Action Sustainability in the UK brings together the collective knowledge gathered through 17 years of consultancy and training in this field. It delivers valuable insights into the state of sustainable procurement today.

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