Tim Weedon talks to Shaun McCarthy OBE part 2 of 2
Tim talks about how repurposed IT hardware can save money while reducing carbon emissions. The podcast can be found on…
Tim talks about how repurposed IT hardware can save money while reducing carbon emissions. The podcast can be found on…
Tim talks about his personal journey from accounting to sales of repurposed IT hardware. The podcast can be found on…
Zack gives his views on circular economy and net zero
Dane talks about procurement and re-purposed IT hardware to deliver social value in New Zealand To access via you’re favourite…
Shaun McCarthy discusses Dane’s long career in procurement and his continuing passion for sustainability
In part 3 of his podcast David Baggs talks about his experience and input into the Modern Slavery Declaration for manufacturers.
Title: Sustainable building products
Exert: David Baggs talks to Shaun McCarthy OBE about the GreenTag initiative to certify products for a range of sustainability impacts that go way beyond embodied carbon
A 5 minute video introducing the key concepts aof climate change in simple language. Ideal for beginners or those thrying to explain the concept to others.