Momentum grows behind supply chain due diligence laws … Posted by Will Green in Law, Procurement
Germany has announced a draft law opening firms up to fines for failing to meet standards on human rights and the environment in their supply chain.
Germany has announced a draft law opening firms up to fines for failing to meet standards on human rights and the environment in their supply chain.
An academic report publishes in 2021 by Nottingham university investigating the UK’s built environment sector and its respopnse to the world’s first national Modern Slavery Act.
A short report published in 2021 by Nottingham University in the UK assessing the effectiveness of modern slavery guidance for procurers in the UK construction industry including the impact of Covid-19.
Helen Carter, Valentina E Gurney, Chris Harrop and Robin Mellon are our speakers discussing various aspects of Modern Slavery, answering questions and discussing the differences in different countries and cultures.
This article is the first of a two part series, summarizing key limitations of on-site audits, and the ‘gap’ in effectiveness that companies have encountered when trying to gain greater visibility over their supply chains via the classic “audit cycle approach”
In this article, our team provides practical supply chain management insights and case studies in relation to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 Draft Guidance for Reporting Entities Appendix 2 ‘How to work with suppliers?’. Case studies include Intel, British Land, Colgate, Migros, the French Government, Nestle or Rio Tinto.
A case study from Anna Cantwells experiences working in the UK in a large organisation.
Ethical procurement is the only way forward.
Big companies and public bodies in Australia will have to disclose how they tackle modern-day slavery in their operations under…